Pangandaran Beach, West Java

    Pangandaran Beach, West Java
    Pangandaran Beach is located in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran, West Java Province, Indonesia, which is ± 100 km south of the city Ciamis, is one of the many attractions in coming to the local and international tourists.

    one factor that makes this much visited Pangandaran beach because the beach has white sand and has a very clear sea water, so impressed at the beautiful view of the eye. Here too there is a marine park with fish and marine life is stunning.

    Pangandaran beach looks so beautiful that tourists can perform activities such as swimming, boating, traveling by bicycle, fishing, sailing and the others.

    every once a year, at Pangandaran beach routinely hold a traditional ceremony, the ceremony conducted by local fishermen as a form of their gratitude to the grace of God.

    Pangandaran Beach into an international tourism event of the International Kite Festival.