Beauty of Bunaken Marine Park

    Beauty of Bunaken Marine Park
    Bunaken is an island covering an area of ​​8.08 km ² in the Bay of Manado, located on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island is famous for its beautiful sea garden. so that many of the visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of Bunaken.

    Most of the coastal area consists of mangrove forests and white sand. There is a sea of hard and soft coral reefs, steep rock walls, with various shapes and colors of marine life including fish are sharks, turtles, Mandarin Fish, sea horses, stingrays, and many more that make up the beautiful marine park.

    Bunaken marine park there are 20 diving points with varying depths of about 1344 meters.

    This marine park has a marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Pulau Siladen, Mantehage Island follows several children of the island, and island Naen. Although it covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares, only limited dive sites in each of the five beaches that surround the island.